Sociolinguistics is part of linguistics courses whose aims, among others, are to develop the linguistic awareness of the students, to give knowledge on language functions and how they influence the speakers, to develop students’ understanding on language varieties in their own society as well as others’ and to develop students’ ability in interpreting other people’s speech.
This subject is to discuss about the cultural background of some countries: customs, people, academic culture, social, etc. In addition, this course is designed to make EFL students aware of the importance of understanding intercultural communication in the teaching and learning a language. Therefore, the course will cover the basic concept of culture related to the teaching and learning a language, the TL cultural encounters, some similarities and differences between the TL culture and the students’ native language culture. By mastering such knowledge mentioned earlier, the students are expected to be able to use the language socio-culturally appropriate, to avoid misunderstanding and misbehaving in using or in comprehending the TL, and to make them capable of integrating some important cultural aspects in using as well as teaching the TL or in continuing their study in the TL countries. Finally, this course is expected to help students appreciate some of the ways that understanding the cultural context of communication is vital to decoding messages.
Keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia merupakan syarat mutlak bagi mahasiswa Indonesia agar mampu mengutarakan pikirannya kepada pihak lain secara efektif. Mata Kuliah bahasa Indonesia ini diharapkan menjadikan mahasiswa memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang tinggi dalam ranah keilmuan. Didasari oleh penguasaan atas pengetahuan atas fungsi-fungsi bahasa serta ragam dan larasnya, keterampilan ejaaan-tanda baca, kalimat, paragraf, dan jenis wacana, serta mereproduksi teks-teks dari berbagai sumber, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menulis dan berbicara dengan baik dalam bahasa Indonesia laras ilmiah.
Matakuliah ini terdiri atas 14 (empat belas) pertemuan, setiap pertemuan memiliki topik materi yang berbeda. Kompetensi yang wajib dikuasai dalam perkuliahan ini meliputi mampu menyusun makalah ilmiah secara sistematis, mampu berkomunikasi dengan efektif, mampu menyampaikan pendapat secara konseptual sehingga membutuhkan metode pembelajaran yang bersifat kelompok jadi silakan bentuk kelompok berdasarkan jumlah materi yang ada dalam RPS (Rencana Perkuliahan Semester) dan/atau Jadwal Kuliah sehingga kelas saudara menyesuaikan jumlah tersebut. Tagihan setiap kelompok diantaranya a) Makalah berdasarkan topik pada RPS, b) menyusun PPT/Power Point, sedangkan audien membuat catatan penting atas materi yang disampaikan oleh kelompok. Sumber belajar yang digunakan yakni terdiri atas wajib/daftar bacaan dan pelengkap/referensi, berikut sumbernya;
Daftar Bacaan :
1. Buku Modul Mata Kuliah Bahasa Indonesia Dirjen Dikti Kemdikbud 2013
2. Nasucha, Yakub dkk. 2009. Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Yogyakarta: Media Perkasa.
3. PUEBI (Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia) diakses di
Referensi :
1. Finoza, Lamuddin. 2008. Komposisi Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Diksi Insan Mulia.
2. Waridah, Ernawati. 2009. EYD dan Seputar Kebahasa-Indonesiaan. Jakarta: Kawan Pustaka.
3. Keraf, Gorys. 2004. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
4. Pateda, Mansoer. 1995. Kosakata dan Pengajarannya. Flores: Nusa Indah.
5. Alwi, Hasan dkk. 2003. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia Edisi Ketiga. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.PoS Philosophy of Science
The Philosophy of Science course provides students with an understanding of the roots of knowledge, logical and rational thinking, deductive and inductive thinking, scientific method - its strengths and weaknesses, processes, products, and scientific attitudes.
Philosophers and their thoughts throughout the history of human civilization are also discussed in this course.
This subject also discusses procedures for drawing conclusions through syllogisms, mathematical probability theory and statistical analysis.
ERS Extensive Reading: Short Stories and Abridged Novel
This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language text which promoting general language ability and world knowledge.
PP 2020 Pronunciation Practices
This course is designed to facilitate the learners in understanding English alphabet, and in getting acquainted with English sound system and speech organs.
RM 2020 Research Methodology
This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding Kinds of research/Research paradigm & important terms in research; Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Qualitative paradigm in language research; Data Collection in language research; Research problems; Language Informants; the linguistic corpus; Data Analysis; Collaboration in language research; Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity; and the Significance of theory.
ER Extensive Reading
This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language text which promoting general language ability and world knowledge.