RPP-2021 Reading for Professional Purposes
In the Reading for Professional Purposes course, students will be exposed to further reading skills; finding ideas and meanings of words from context, locating information, answering stated, unstated, and implied detail questions in various genres of texts including descriptive, expository, argumentative and persuasive texts.
IEL Introduction to Educational Linguistics
This course deals with language and certain languages and the ability to analyze language structure based on various views of language. Topics include linguistics as a scientific study of language, characteristics of language, phonological analysis, morphological analysis, syntactic analysis, semantic analysis, language change, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, transformational grammar, and functional grammar.
IEC-2021 Intensive English Course 2021
The course is designed to provide students with receptive (Listening and Reading) and productive (Speaking and Writing) skills at using English in communication. The emphasis is on the correct use of basic English structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, stress, and intonation patterns in oral communication as well as written communication through intensive classroom practice, such as dialogues and role-playing, as well as pair, group, and class activities. In addition, laboratory assignments and individual tutorials may be given on the basis of individual student needs. This is a theme-based course.
ER-2021 Extensive Reading 2021
This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language texts which promoting general language ability and world knowledge.
IMb Instructional Media B
This course introduces students to the selection and use of media, multi-media, and conventional media, in the preparation of materials for instructional purposes.
PoE Psychology of Education
Here, the topic which will be discussed in this semester are: (1) The changing teaching profession and you, (2) The learning process, (3) Student development, (4) Student diversity, (5) Student motivation, (6) Classroom management and the learning environment, (7) The nature of classroom communication, (8) Facilitatis complex teaching, (9) planning instruction, (10) teacher-made assessment strategies, (11) Standardized and other formal assessment.
Upon completion this course, the studets are expected to be able describe the important of educational psychology theory and research for classroom practice.