SMD 2023 Syllabus and Materials Development
This course is aimed at developing students’ (a) understanding of EFL syllabus materials development, (b) skills in developing syllabus and EFL materials for Indonesian schools, and (c) positive attitudes toward syllabus and EFL materials development. This course covers the following topics: basic concepts, principles, and procedures of syllabus and materials development.
InterR-2023 Intercultural Reading 2023
This course is designed to develop student competencies in intercultural reading (knowledge and understanding) of non-fiction reading texts at the intermediate level. Students can use reading strategies and identify the meaning of the reading. Students can understand the lexical meaning precisely, understand the topics and main ideas of the text, understand information explicitly, and understand the communicative value.
Course Learning Outcome:
Mastering fast and accurate reading techniques and being able to apply them in practice answering questions.
IR-2023 Intensive Reading 2023
This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language texts which promoting general language ability and world knowledge.
Course Learning Outcome: Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways.
SET Statistic for English Teaching Ganjil 2022/2023
Mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa terkait pengetahuan tentang data kuantatif adan pengiolahannya
KWN-Gnjl22 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2022
Mata kuliah ini mempelajari tentang konstitusi negara, hak asasi manusia, integrasi dan disintegrasi, konstitusi, hak dan kewajiban warga negara serta wawasan nusantara dan lain sebagainya dimana tujua dari mata kuliah ini adalah untuk menumbuhkan rasa cinta tanah air dengan kemampuan berempati dan berkontribusi untuk negara.